WhatsApp Wellness
Campaign, Art Direction | Spec Work, UX/UI, Illustration, Animation | Fall 2020
Art Direction: Angelica Pardi, Val Sokolova
Copywriting: Daniela Camacho, Galia Long
Today’s teens’ mental health is deteriorating faster than ever. Technology leads teens to unwind from stress by going to unhealthy habits, such as social media, adding more stress to their lives. We are encouraging teens to understand their emotions through WhatsApp Wellness, a resource to help manage and combat mental health issues related to social media use.
Meet Wanda
Wanda, the Whatsapp Wellness in-app chatbot, gives users the confidence to become emotionally honest and understanding with themselves and others. Wanda checks in on users allowing them to build an understanding of their emotions, learning that it is okay to feel the way they do through daily activities and prompted resources.
It can be difficult to reach out to someone when they’re struggling. Whatsapp Wellness breaks that barrier of not knowing what to say with their “knock” feature. This feature allows users to reach out to friends with a heartwarming reminder that they are thinking about them or want to catch up. Everyone likes to be reminded that they are cared about. If a knock is not your fashion, users can also message Wanda “CHECK IN” and Wanda will prompt them with conversation-starting ideas to help make reaching out to someone easier.
Read About It! Write About It! Put Into Practice!
After letting Wanda know what emotion a user is feeling, Wanda will ensure the user that it is okay that they are feeling the way they do and that it is normal. Afterward, she will prompt the user if they would like to “Read About It,” “Write About It,” or. “Put Into Practice”. Depending on whatever the user chooses, Wanda will either give the user an article, a journal prompt, or an engaging question appropriate to the current emotion the user is feeling. These quick tasks help the user reflect on and understand why they are feeling the way they are feeling in the moment.
WhatsApp Wellness
Wanda keeps track of users’ daily check-in responses in their own personalized wellness log. This tool allows users to reflect on how their emotions have changed over time allowing them to understand their mental health patterns.